Mercy the Mountain Sheep

This is Mercy. She is a Mountain Sheep (also known as Bighorn Sheep), although her horns are just buds at this point. Mercy came from the same folks that sold us Mocha, Chip and Beau. They rescued her after her mother rejected her, bottle feeding her until she weened. Mercy is so docile that she followed her “mama” around the property like a little puppy.

She’s still a little skittish around us. You’ll probably notice that the picture is a bit grainy. I couldn’t get up close to her to get a really good shot. But that’s OK – she’s enjoying herself and her new home here at Livin’ The 10. Lots of grass and hay to eat…and lots of rocks to climb and play on.

As I’m writing this, she’s “baa-ing” outside. Think I’ll go check on her and see what she’s gotten herself info….

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